WCDSB’S Healthy Schools
WCDSB priorities include student achievement and well being. We partner with community organizations to achieve this priority. One of these partners is Region of Waterloo Public Health,
which offers over 40 services to schools to create a supportive environment that promotes student well being. More information and links to these services can be found on their School Health Webpage. One area of focus for the partnership with Public Health is Healthy Schools.
A Healthy School involves a comprehensive approach where school administration, teachers, parents, students and community agencies work together to create an environment that will have a positive impact on a child’s health and learning. The Ministry of Education recommends the Foundations for a Healthy School framework to address school health in a comprehensive way.
Please refer to Region of Waterloo Public Health’s Healthy Schools Webpage for resources, including a step by step toolkit that will guide you through each step of the Healthy Schools process.
Participating Schools
Since 2014, the Waterloo Catholic District School Board has partnered with Region of Waterloo Public Health to offer a public health nurse to selected schools to support with the Healthy Schools process. This project has been very successful and we look forward to expanding.
All schools are already doing many great things as a Healthy School. If your school is interested in connecting with Public Health to learn more about enhancing your Healthy School or to receive resources, send us an email to HealthySchools@regionofwaterloo.ca.
St. Benedict CSS
- Christ the King
- Our Lady of Fatima
- St. Elizabeth
- St. Gabriel
- St. Joseph
- St. Margaret of Scotland
- St. Michael
- St. Peter
- St. Teresa of Calcutta
Resurrection CSS
- Holy Rosary
- St. Dominic Savio
- St. John
- St. Mark
- St. Nicholas
- St. Paul
- Holy Family
- Our Lady of Lourdes
Monsignor Doyle CSS
- St. David CSS
- St. Mary CSS
Take Action
Here are some resources to help you get started:
FITGO Challenge
Physical Activity
Region of Waterloo – Physical Activity
Active Cambridge
Healthy Eating
Region of Waterloo – Healthy Eathing
Positive Mental Health
Region of Waterloo – Mental Health
FITGO Activity
FITGO is a fun, interactive Healthy Schools activity for individual students and classrooms. The aim to complete full cards in all healthy living categories within a week. This is a great opportunity to enjoy healthy activities at home and at school!
Individual FITGO Instructions:
Print the number of Individual Student FITGO cards that you need. Each page has 2 individual cards. Then distribute to students for them to enjoy participating in these fun, healthy activities that can be marked off as they are completed.
Classroom FITGO Instructions:
Print one card for your classroom and complete the card with your class throughout the week.
Try to engage other classrooms in a friendly FITGO competition for a week, or even your whole school.
Classroom K-6
Classroom Gr. 7-8
School-wide FITGO Instructions:
PHOTO FITGO is a school-wide card that involves the tweeting out by the school of a picture involving a FITGO activity under each of the DPA, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Eating, Healthy Minds and Healthy Environment categories. A minimum of one picture under all 5 categories counts as another completed card in the school’s overall classroom counts. In the FITGO challenge between schools, the winning school will have the greatest percentage of completed classroom cards. I’m attaching a copy of the PHOTO FITGO card as well.